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Youtube channel revenue calculator based on the rules of Google monetization and depending on the number of subscribers, views, the main country of audience.
The revenue of Adsense ads is also depends on the channel subject.
Other sources of monetization, such as that, are not taken into account:

  • Direct advertising and product placement
  • Referral charges for clicking on links in fixed comments and descriptions of videos

Estimating the income of a YouTube vlogger can be challenging because it depends on a variety of factors, including the country of their audience and the overall topic of their channel. The value of the Cost-Per-Click (CPC) for ads on a YouTube channel can vary significantly depending on the theme of the channel and the country in which the viewer is located.

To estimate the income of a YouTube vlogger, you can use the following steps:

  • Determine the average number of views per video on the channel. You can use the YouTube Analytics tool to get this information.
  • Determine the average CPC for the channel's theme and target country. You can use tools like Social Blade or Adsense Calculator to get an estimate of the CPC for a given channel theme and country.
  • Calculate the estimated earnings per video by multiplying the average number of views per video by the average CPC. For example, if a channel has an average of 100,000 views per video and an average CPC of $0.10, the estimated earnings per video would be $10,000.
  • Estimate the number of videos uploaded per month by the vlogger.
  • Calculate the estimated monthly earnings by multiplying the estimated earnings per video by the number of videos uploaded per month.

Keep in mind that these estimates are just that - estimates. The actual income of a YouTube vlogger will depend on a variety of factors, including the engagement and retention of their audience, the quality and content of their videos, and the effectiveness of their monetization strategy.